Rosemary Oh-McGinnis
Wednesday, May 25, 12:00-1:00 2016
Germinal Exhibition

We are excited to present Rosemary Oh-McGinnis as part of the new FRESH TALK series. Rosemary will offer fascinating insights into the works in Germinal by discussing recent studies in genetics. Rosemary will talk on the scientific realities and future implications of hybrid biologies:  the existence of hybrids in nature and the biological principles that govern hybridization.

Germinal refers to the earliest stage of development. From every germinal moment comes the potential to grow and become hybrid. The three works in the exhibition incorporate ways of seeing and understanding the hybrid,  touching on hybrid mythologies and civilizing forces,  the abject and classification of complex systems.

Rosemary Oh-McGinnis obtained her PhD in Medical Genetics from the University of British Columbia in 2011. She has worked as a Sessional Lecturer and Education Strategist for the undergraduate Biology degree program at the University of British Columbia and has also taught at the Native Education College. She is currently a Biology Instructor at Douglas College where she mainly teaches Human Anatomy and Physiology.

New Media Gallery, in partnership with the City of New Westminster Cultural Services, presents the FRESH TALK series. FRESH TALK brings together artists, writers, poets, performers, scientists, critical thinkers and community members for interdisciplinary discussions related to the themes and concepts of New Media Gallery exhibitions. Fresh Talk is open to a broad audience and is intended to reflect the diversity of contemporary new media practices.

Drop in for a fascinating lunch-time talk that will offer insights and discussion into the exhibition and the works of art.  Germinal presents works by Nadia Hironaka + Matthew Suib, Laramascoto (Santiago Lara + Beatriz Coto) and Suhee Kim & Oliver Smith.

Free Admission
3rd Floor, Anvil Centre
777 Columbia St , New Westminster
New Media Gallery Open until 8:30pm
Pay parking located beneath Anvil Centre (off 8th)
Skytrain:  New Westminster (Across from Anvil)