by Branching Songs Ensemble
April 29, 2023 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm Registration: LINK Waitlist
We are delighted to announce the thirteenth in an ongoing series of experimental, performative exhibition responses that take place in the gallery. Every season, selected artists, musicians, dancers, poets or writers are invited to respond to our exhibitions in creative ways.
“The breath of plants gives life to animals and the breath of animals gives life to plants. My breath is your breath, your breath is mine. It’s the great poem of give and take, of reciprocity that animates the world.” —Robin Wall Kimmerer, from Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants
"Our world is a complex matrix of vibrating energy, matter and air, just as we are made of vibrations. Vibration connects us with all beings and connects us to all things interdependently.” —Pauline Oliveros, from Quantum Listening
Rehearsal for a Forest is a precursor to an upcoming performance with living ancient trees in a forest located near Tuwanek on the Sunshine Coast. The forest is home to old growth cedar and fir, and wildlife, has a natural spring and is part of the Gray Creek watershed. The forest, listed as “AG014” in the Angus Cutblock, is scheduled to be clear cut. Branching Songs is advocating for the preservation of this forest by holding an interventionist performance in May 2023 supported by the Sunshine Coast Arts Council, Vancouver New Music, and Elphinstone Logging Focus.
Rehearsal for a Forest grows out of the larger Branching Songs project, a collection of sound art and land-based projects in collaboration with trees and forests around Vancouver and coastal regions ( Branching Songs aims to engage and mobilize people in the movement to protect and care for local trees and forests, including the trees being cleared for the Transmountain Pipeline Expansion project, and the ancient forests being clear cut on the Sunshine Coast. The project has generated new methods and techniques for working creatively with forests, engaging communities in knowledge sharing and applied workshops.
Branching Songs Ensemble:
• Julie Andreyev, Tree-a-kin and Lightning Stick instruments
• Simon Lysander Overstall, Tree-a-kin instrument, software programming
• Keira Madsen, Tree Voice instrument
• Myles V Felenberger, Looper instrument
Branching Songs is supported by:
• The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
• The Basically Good Media Lab
• Emily Carr University
• The Sunshine Coast Arts Council
• Vancouver New Music
Artist Biographies
Julie Andreyev