C h i l d r e n
N o v e m b e r 2 4, 2 0 1 6 - F e b r u a r y, 0 5, 2 0 1 7
Children help us mediate between the ideal and the real. - Juliet Kinchin
In this multi-channel video exhibition, children are the common subject and mechanism for skillfully deconstructing identity, philosophy, memory, and social institutions. Six artists from six countries have created humorous, critical and poignant works that challenge preconceptions and disrupt assumed or sentimental narratives. Again and again we are confronted with imaginative beings who ponder big, existential questions, who long for ideas, who have the inherent qualities needed to reveal the absurdities & deficiencies of social structures, and who challenge the limits of familial and societal bonds. Yet truth is elusive and what we see is not always what it seems. Together these works point to the possibilities, commonalities, consequences and ambiguities in constructing and reflecting the human condition.
Curation + Design: Sarah Joyce + Gordon Duggan